  • Apps
  • Help Desk
  • HelpDesk

Integrate LiveChat with HelpDesk and manage all customer messages in one place
Developed by Text
Works with   LiveChat

HelpDesk is a simple yet powerful online ticketing software forming part of our product suite. You can use it to manage asynchronous and synchronous customer communication. HelpDesk is embedded inside the LiveChat Agent App, making it easy to handle tickets from chats, emails, contact forms, and other customer messages in a single app.

The HelpDesk system provides easy-to-use cooperation tools, intuitive automation, and powerful AI features, allowing you to streamline customer service and make it the best it can be. You can automate repetitive tasks, save agents time, and increase your teams productivity.

Customize HelpDesk elements to fit your needs and ensure your messages are always on-brand. Track your performance in robust reports and improve your workflow so you can deliver excellent customer support.

Integration with LiveChat is possible starting from the Team plan.

See the pricing at

Key Features

Automated support actions
Elevate your productivity by harnessing the power of ready-made or personalized automated workflows and user-friendly AI functions. Save your go-to responses as handy canned responses so you can effortlessly drop entire messages into your conversations with a single click.
Improved teamwork
Work together on customer cases and make them a success every time. Divide work fairly among teams and agents, and monitor the results in detailed reports. Mention your teammate to assist you with a challenging case. Use collision detection or become a ticket follower to stay up to date and avoid work overlap. Use the Viewer role to temporarily suspend an agent's active status without incurring charges.
Advanced AI-boosted ticketing
Use manageable tickets that accurately reflect your customer's case resolution process. Select the appropriate status, priority, descriptive tags, and assignments to clearly show progress. Manage and resolve your HelpDesk tickets with dedicated AI features.
Connected message sources
Bring together all the communication channels your customers use to contact you. Your emails from different inboxes, social media messages, live chats, contact forms, and more will drop directly into one feed so you can easily control it and think about the next steps.


Branding elements
Align every touchpoint with your brand. Customize the reply email address your customers see, adjust the email template, create tailored contact forms, and prepare an agent signature to increase credibility and build trust.
Short learning curve
It only takes a few minutes to configure and become deeply familiar with HelpDesk. You can then enjoy the easy but powerful features you need for your daily support tasks.
Easy-to-navigate interface
HelpDesk ticketing software is easy to implement in your customer service workflow. It's based on the same design system as LiveChat, so being accustomed to the interface, you can get started immediately.
Quicker case resolution
Automate repetitive tasks and assign tickets to the qualified agents as soon as they drop into the system. Get time-consuming work out of your way, reduce case resolution time, and watch customer satisfaction improve in your reports.
Increased availability
Provide support while you're away from your desk. On the tram or out on a walk? iOS or Android? Mobile or tablet? Manage HelpDesk tickets in the LiveChat mobile app — it's convenient, flexible, and will help you resolve more cases.
All customer messages in one app
Connect LiveChat and HelpDesk and turn every chat, email, and message into a convenient ticket. Easily manage all your customer cases from a single dashboard. Stay organized and transparent, ensuring the best customer service results.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing HelpDesk will give the developer access to:


Groups, Chats, Archives, Tickets


Agents, Settings

The developer Text indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact Text. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of HelpDesk.

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