Instagram for Business
  • Apps
  • Instagram for Business

Instagram for Business
Instagram for Business
Instagram Direct Messages in LiveChat
$10 / mo, per license
Developed by FEDYK sp. z o. o.
Works with   LiveChat

How does it work?

Connects Instagram DMs with LiveChat, so agents can receive and respond to messages directly from LiveChat, without using separate apps. You can add quick replies and automated responses with ChatBot support. Story Mentions and Story Replies are also forwarded to chats.

Up to 12 Instagram accounts can be connected to LiveChat. If you need more, please reach

Only Instagram Professional Accounts are supported.


To set up the integration:

  • Install the app on the LiveChat Marketplace.
  • Go to Settings
  • Log in using your Facebook and Instagram accounts and follow the onboarding steps
  • Click on Connect to link Instagram accounts to LiveChat


To test the setup, send any message to your Instagram Account.

Key Features

Seamless installation

No need to copy-paste code or configure any advanced settings. Simply install and click the "Connect" button.

Fast and reliable

Thanks to using native LiveChat and Instagram APIs, the integration works fast and stable. It supports all types of messages, including rich messages and ChatBot quick replies.

Secure and privacy-aware

We know how privacy is important for businesses and clients. That is why we don't retain your conversations. To comply with Instagram Privacy Policy, we only rely on privacy-aware CDN URLs for rich media.

Keep all of your communication in one place
Connect up to 5 Instagram Accounts to your LiveChat. If you need more, please reach support.


Connect with your customers where they are
Make it easy for customers to get in touch with your company. Respond to people who engage with your Instagram Stories directly from LiveChat.
Drive more sales
Chats reduce friction along the path to purchase. Use them to your advantage and offer a guided buying experience, or drive people to your shop or website.
Manage all your messages with ease

LiveChat gives you a wide range of tools to easily manage chats between many agents.

What's new

Add Business Login for Instagram that makes it easier to onboard and configure Instagram accounts

App Privacy

The developer FEDYK sp. z o. o. indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact FEDYK sp. z o. o.. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Instagram for Business.

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