  • Apps
  • Lead Generation
  • Stripe

Handle payments right in the chat
$2.50 / mo, per agent
Developed by LiveChat Integrations
Works with   LiveChat

Stripe is one of the best software billing platform for running an internet business. Now you can check your customers payment details and process payments right in the chat.

With the Stripe integration, your agents will no longer have to switch tabs to find subscription details. Customers will be able to make quick and safe payments staying in the chat context.

Key Features

Customer details
Check current charges and subscriptions right in the chat.
Send payments as rich messages
Send recurring and one-time payments as beautiful rich messages.
Use SCA-ready Stripe Checkout
Be safe and comply with all strict regulations regarding internet payments.


Make payments a breeze
Your customers will finish the payment with few easy clicks.
Keep your agents up to date
Customer payments info is crucial to customer support and lead generation. Keep agents up to date!

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing Stripe will give the developer access to:



Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact LiveChat Integrations. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Stripe.

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