Super Trainer reminders
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  • Super Trainer reminders

Super Trainer reminders
Super Trainer reminders
Your contextual automatic reminders visible inside the chat conversation for agents only
Developed by .BespokeChat
Works with   LiveChat

Are you struggling to have your agents ask the right questions at the right time? Do you want to speed up your onboarding process and help your team remember key messages faster and better? Need more customer reviews on your Google Business profile but your agents keep forgetting to ask for them? Super Trainer will answer all these problems and many more! Create a set of reminders that will appear in the chat window at just the right moment! Your agents will thank you for it.

Help your Agents remember every important question they should ask the customer. With the Super Trainer app, your team will be able to chat with multiple clients at the same time, without ever forgetting to inform them about your new sales promotion, open-day event, or any other important piece of information you want your customers to know.

With Super Trainer you can use many different rules that will trigger a reminder:

  • number of seconds that passed since the chat started
  • a specific chat rating given by a customer or lack of any rating
  • a specific URL browsed by a customer
  • a specific LiveChat group in which chat started
  • a specific agent to which chat is assigned
  • a specific language used by a customer
  • a specific tag attached to a chat
  • a specific time of the day or a specific weekday
  • a specific word that was used/wasn't used during the chat (by a customer)
  • a specific word that was used/wasn't used during chat (by an agent)
  • contact details such as phone number or email sent by a customer
  • the source of chat is Facebook Messanger/Apple Business Chat/ WhatsApp
  • number of seconds that passed since the last message (when it wa s sent by a customer)
  • number of seconds passed since the last message (when it was sent by an agent)

Key Features

👨‍💻 Dedicated reminders
Create reminders that will help your agents in every situation! You have a wide range of rules and conditions to choose from that will let you address any possible scenario.
🛠 Easy setup
You can start working on your reminders right away, it will only take seconds! The setup is super easy and no programming knowledge is required.
➡️ Outside invisibility
Don't worry - your customers will not know that the agent is superpowered with Super Trainer reminders.
💡 Tips directly in the chat window
You can be sure that your agents will not miss any tips sent by the Super Trainer. All reminders are displayed inside the chat window - it’s impossible to miss them!
🔎 Filters
Manage your reminders easily by using available filter and sorting options. It's a great way to keep your Super Trainer clean and up-to-date.


No more missed opportunities
Do you need to remind your agents to inform the customers about that limited-time offer you've been preparing for a while? Our reminders will do the job for you - thanks to the Super Trainer you won't miss a single business opportunity!
Better Customer Experience
customer satisfaction will skyrocket if you take care of the way your agents handle chat conversations - timely responses and relevant questions will surely make your customers appreciate your service.
High-quality leads
Save yourself a trouble and be sure there is no need to contact the customer again to complete a missing piece of information.
Increased efficiency
Would you believe that your agents can be more efficient without even trying harder? Super Trainer will help ease the burden of remembering too many things and will let your agents handle more chats simultaneously.

App Privacy

The developer .BespokeChat indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact .BespokeChat. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Super Trainer reminders.

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