  • Apps
  • Social Media
  • Telegram

Reply to your Telegram chats in LiveChat
$10 / mo, per license
Developed by FEDYK sp. z o. o.
Works with   LiveChat

How it works

The app allows agents to receive and respond to Telegram chats in LiveChat.

Our integration supports:

  • Telegram Private Chats and Groups chats
  • Text, stickers, photos, videos, audio files, PDFs, and all kinds of documents
  • Contacts and location details
  • ChatBot and rich messages (carousels and quick reply)
  • LiveChat Welcome Message

You can connect up to 10 Telegram Bots. Use LiveChat groups for custom chat distribution among your agents.

To maintain the top level of security, we don`t keep your messages on our servers.

To get help or support, please contact the integration developer via Telegram.

Key Features

Simple setup
Just copy-paste your Telegram Bot Token. If you run into any trouble, check our simple installation tutorial, which guides you through the installation process.
Telegram Groups
Reply to messages in Telegram Groups right from LiveChat.
ChatBot support
Automate your customer service with ChatBot.
Multiple Telegram accounts
Connect with up to 10 Telegram accounts.
LiveChat Messaging Mode
We support Messaging Mode so that you can reply to the chats even the next day.
Block spammers
Block users who keeps causing trouble. Similar to LiveChat Ban visitors, select the three dots icon “…” in the top right corner and click Block this user


All chats in one place
Use LiveChat as one platform for all your conversations.
Boost user retention
On mobile devices, users read 96% of messages within three minutes. Use this opportunity to change customers' engagement on mobile.
Secure and fast
That's why we don't retain your chats data.

What's new

Add support for parameter in deep links. For example, you could use and airplane will appear on LiveChat customer details.

App Privacy

The developer FEDYK sp. z o. o. indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact FEDYK sp. z o. o.. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Telegram.

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